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"The diaphragm is a muscular partition that separates the disorders of the chest from the disorders of the bowels"


A motility disorder leading to reflux of gastric contents into esophagus resulting in heartburn as a main symptom. Endoscopic appearances could show "Erosive" or "Non-erosive" state.


The majority of patients respond well to H2 blocker therapy, but need the drug continuously to prevent relapse, and only in healing doses.

  1. Avoid oily foods. Avoid aerated drinks. Avoid smoking and Pan chewing. Avoid overeating. Avoid onions, peas, beans, dals.
  2. Tab. Bestozyme 1bd x 15 (Digestive enzymes)
  3. Tab. Gastractive 1 tds x before meals.
  4. Tab. Albendazole 400mg. 1 stat.
  5. A teaspoon full of soda or ENO salt in water after meals.
  6. If mucos stools, Tab. Flagyl 200mg. tds x 5.
  7. If contispation, Liq. Paraffin 15-30 ml.
  8. Regular Exercises to improve the tone of the abdominal muscles.
  9. Regular moderate meals. Avoid over eating.


Other drugs to try:


  1. Gelusil MPS tsp tds (Antacid with MPS)
  2. Tab. Livomyn 1 tds (Ayurvedic Liver Prep)
  3. Sorbiline tst tds.
  4. Carmicide liquid tst tds.
  5. Tab. Enteroquinil 1 tds x 10.
  6. Tab. Gasex 1 tds or Kayam churn


Investigate for

Stools (for amoebiansi, Giardisis, Tapeworms etc.)

Hb% (for anemia)

Ultrasonography-Gall bladder.

Sigmidoscopy and Gastroscopy if indicated.


Abdominal exercises are very useful for chromin flatulence and chronoc contispation.

Eating a little less, than demanded by apetite is very important.




  1. Avoid chillies and sour food, smoking and alcohol.
  2. Stop irritant drugs like NSAID’s, if patient is taking them.
  3. Gelusil MPS 2 tst x tds x 5 days.
  4. Tab. Histac 150mg. bd x 5 days.
  5. Tab. Baralgan 1 tds if spasmodic pain.


If pain is not relieved completely


Ask for investigations –

1. Gastroscopy

2. Ba meal.

3. Stool Examination.

4. Gastric Analysis.


If there is mucus or E. Histolytical in stools,


Tab. Flagyl 400mg x tds x 7 days

Tab. Secnil 1gm x 2 tabs single dose

Tinidazole or combination drugs.


If liver is palpable and tender


Is there Jaundice?

Infective Hepatitis?

Is there C.C.F.?

Heart murmur, neck veins or edema?

If not ask for ultrasonoscopy of Liver and GB.


Tab. Bestozyme

Tab. Gastractive

Tab. Albendazole

Tab. Flagyl 200mg

Liquid. Paraffin

Syp. Gelusil MPS

Tab. Livomyn

Syp. Sorbiline

Carmicide liquid

Tab. Enteroquinil

Tab. Gasex

Tab. Histac

Tab. Baralgan

Tab. Flagyl

Tab. Secnil



General Measures

Of paramount importance inn improving gastroesophageal barrier function and reducing esophageal irritation and includes:

Weight Reduction, Avoiding overeating. Avoid tight fitting garments.

Abstaining from fried or fatty foods coffee, alcoholic beverages, tomato juice, citrus fruits, peppermints, cola drinks, chocolates. Avoid voluntary eructation’s.

Avoiding smoking.

Avoid ling down for 3 hours after eating. Raising the head of the bed by 6 inches to reduce nocturnal reflux.

Avoiding if possible or replacing drugs like anticholinergics, Calcium channel blockers, Beta blockers, isosorbide dinitirte and theophylline that can cause esophageal sphincter incompetence.

Advice to Patient

As under General measures.

Follow Up

At the end of 2, 4 and 8 weeks irrespective of therapy initiated.

Inadequate Response

After 4 weeks of H2 receptor inhibitor therapy, to advise endoscopy.

If unresponsive to Omeprazole therapy to rule out Zollinger-Ellison syndrome by assessing serum gastrin levels

To assess gastric acid secretory response by Fractional test Meal – to rule out gastric achlorhydria (with the reflux Oeesphagitis being bile reflux)

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